Independence: The Dark Side
Modern society often touts independence as one of the highest virtues, especially in women. The “strong, independent woman” is held up as the ideal for young women to aspire to. Women are told they don’t need men, and men that they don’t need women; that all can be complete within themselves. Young men and women are urged to move away from their parents and “get out on their own” as soon as they turn 18. But despite this, getting married young is discouraged; both sexes are told to first go to college, get degrees, and start climbing the corporate ladder. When they do finally get married, husbands and wives are still encouraged to be as independent of each other as possible: separate incomes, split bills, and taking turns on the various household chores. In extreme cases, even separate meals, separate TVs, and separate bedrooms to accommodate the separate work schedules! This type of thinking permeates not only the western world, but even the churches. It’s common to hear such th...