
Showing posts with the label The Way

Thoughts On the Psalms: Psalm 6

It's been a hot minute since I visited the Psalms, but other projects have consumed my time and attention, from the three-part study on the clean and unclean laws to my upcoming history and study of feminism and communism. There's only so much time to study and write, so some projects get more attention than others. I'm quite excited about the upcoming post about feminism, and I learned a lot while doing the research for it and writing it, so I think it will at least be thought-provoking and hopefully educational. Stay tuned for that one. Without further ado, here are my thoughts on Psalm 6! Slash! The blood gushed out of the gaping gash in the neck of the massive bull and gurgled as it splashed sparkling red into the golden bowl. The giant bull's head slumped to the ground and the priest rose to his feet. He turned toward the door of the tent, took a deep breath, and prepared to enter, a thick rope dragging along behind him.  Atonement for sin used to be quite a compl...

Five Fun Facts About Biblical Modesty

It doesn't take much to get people worked up these days, and everyone is ready to get offended at the drop of a hat. Often, they will drop the hat themselves if no opportunity presents itself. Occasionally, people are actually offended for good reason as with someone saying abortion is a good thing. That's a great thing to get worked up about because the murder of innocent babies is an abomination in God's eyes. Things that are an abomination in God's eyes are good to get worked up about and to have some righteous indignation over, as we see with David and many of the prophets. A while back I wrote an article about modesty entitled “ Warning! Nudity Ahead! ” and as you might imagine, it ruffled a few feathers and offended a few people who didn't like the idea that God would limit us on what we can do with our own bodies. The topic of modesty is quite controversial and nowhere more so than among Christians, surprisingly.  You may not be surprised at all, especially ...

The Way

What started as an interesting thought project for my own amusement has grown and developed into something quite substantial that I'd like to share with you. For you long-time readers, you may remember an article with a similar title that was posted quite a while ago, but regardless of the similarity in title, they cover two completely different topics.  As followers of God, we refer to our walk with God as, “Christianity” and we say “Christianity” is our “religion;” one of many religions worldwide, and even one of many sects within Christianity. A problem has developed with the idea of religion and even with the idea of Christianity, and they have come to carry the idea and weight that they are a thing that exists alongside our lives. We have our life and then we have our career and our religion, and these two things exist in parallel with our life.  Religion is found in the New Testament, so there is nothing wrong with the word itself, but the idea behind the word, and the c...