
Showing posts with the label Feast of Trumpets

A New Priesthood: Between Trumpets and Atonement

Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession among all peoples, for all the earth is mine; and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’  We gather together on the weekly Sabbath, in the time between Trumpets and Atonement for a good reason.  There is always a Sabbath between Trumpets and Atonement, a time for us to come together between God’s high Holy Days, but also a time for us to look at connections and the full extent and glory of God's plan. It's a time for us to take a look into the past and get a pretty good idea of where exactly it is that we are going.  The numbers God assigned to the Holy days have meaning and a purpose, and the spacing of these days is not random. There is much we can learn from looking at the pattern of what God has done and the way He has set things up to work. He doesn't do anything at random, and He doesn't do anything by accident. He does things in types an...

Thoughts On the Psalms: Psalm 5

It’s easy to forget where our protection and salvation come from, especially in this day and age of seeking out human leaders to come and save us. The election cycle is all about pointing out the evils of the other party while ignoring their own and trying to convince the people that they are the only ones who can save them. It works, too. People become polarized and they are confident that their candidate is the only good one who could possibly lead the country well. Unfortunately, they are all evil. God sets up kings and tears them down according to His purpose for them, but that doesn’t make them righteous or even good. They are unrighteous and immoral men, so why do Christians seek to have them rule over them?  There is a story in the first book of Samuel that we should carefully consider before choosing a candidate this year. The first king of Israel was about to be selected, and God picked a man to please the people. He was tall, good-looking, humble, and an excellent warrior...