
Showing posts with the label debate

The Calendar Debate Simplified

  The Biblical Calendar is a hotly debated topic with a plethora of different opinions.  How can we know which is the right one? Let's start with what the Bible actually requires.  Genesis 1:14 “ Then God said, ‘Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years .’” A Calendar must use the heavenly bodies. Furthermore, the feast of Passover must be in the spring. (this is discussed later.) That's it!   Those are the Biblical criteria for a calendar. Nothing less and nothing more. The purpose of a calendar is to keep people in synchrony with each other. This admission allows us to disregard any “calendar” that fails to do this. To find out which calendar to use we must whittle the pool down to what works, and what does not.  Let us explore the workings of a calendar that we will label as “ Calendar X ”   This calendar in following the Biblical guidelines for...