
Showing posts with the label sacred name

Two YHWHs??

  Most Bible translations, as we see in the pages of the Old Testament, render God’s name YHWH as “LORD” in all caps. Sometimes, if the Hebrew text already uses adonai or “lord,” as in Adonai YHWH , then we may see it translated as “Lord GOD.” Today, I’d like to pose the question, who was YHWH, the LORD, in the Old Testament? When we see “LORD” or “GOD” in our Bibles, is it referring to God the Father or Jesus Christ? Just who was the God of the Old Testament? Many Scriptures demonstrate that both God the Father and Jesus Christ are YHWH. First, let’s look at a few for the Father. God the Father Is YHWH Keeping in mind that “LORD” is the same as “YHWH,” we read in Psa. 110:1, “The LORD said to my Lord, ‘Sit at My right hand, till I make Your enemies Your footstool.’” Whose words are reported here? God the Father, as Heb. 1:13 reveals: “But to which of the angels has He [the Father] ever said: ‘Sit at My right hand, till I make Your enemies Your footstool’?” While on this earth, Je...

What's the Name of God?

  King Solomon wrote, “A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, loving favor rather than silver and gold” (Prov. 22:1). He expressed a similar thought in Eccl. 7:1. Indeed, a good name means everything in the business world. Many companies spend millions, even billions, of dollars to build a respected brand, a brand that sets them apart from their competitors. A brand is simply a good name. And who has a better name than God does? What name could be more worthy of honor than God’s name? For this reason, in the Ten Commandments, God tells us not to take His name in vain (Ex. 20:7; Deut. 5:11). Those who profane or use God’s name lightly, through word or deed, are subject to God’s judgment: “For the LORD [YHWH] will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.” In the Old Testament, “name” is the Hebrew word shem (Strong’s # H8034). According to the Hebrew lexicons, it means not only “name,” but also mark, reputation, fame, honor, glory, authority, and character. ...

The First Law and the Sacred Name

 As mentioned previously, the first of the Ten Statements/words is the one that proclaims the authority by which the other 9 immutable laws of the Creator are given. This statement of fact is found in Exodus 20:2 and Deuteronomy 5:6.                                                                     NKJV “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage”                                                            Literal translation “I Am Jehovah your Mighty One which has brought you from [the] land [of] Egypt from [the] house [of] servants”  Here the Creator is introducing Himself by His name–not by the common English...