
Showing posts with the label temple

Is Your Heart Actually Desperately Wicked?

There are many go-to verses that we are quite familiar with in the Church of God; verses for just about every situation you might come across, and to refute all kinds of modern pagan religion. The Bible is a sword, after all, and it is quite powerful in the real sort of warfare we engage in on a daily basis. For instance, people in the world will tell you to “follow your heart,” meaning that whatever desire might cross the screen of your heart should be followed. You should essentially let your desires and emotions rule your life rather than any form of discipline or written code as in the case of the Christian religion. Though the problem with this is obvious, many Christians buy into this false idea that the heart is something to be followed. Jeremiah said something about this when he said, The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked; who can know it? Jeremiah 17:9 (AFV) This is similar to the ideas that are echoed in Genesis and in Proverbs, the idea that the he...

The Hebrew Calendar Reveals the Messiah!

  Among God’s people who keep the Sabbath and Holy Days, one of the most controversial topics is the calendar. Folks go round and round arguing over which calendar we should use to determine the dates of the Holy Days. We can prove mathematically, Biblically, and historically that the correct calendar is the Hebrew calendar in use today. This calendar matches every known historical date back to at least the destruction of Solomon’s temple in 587 BC. However, that’s well beyond the scope of this post. Those are topics for other days. The purpose of today’s post is to show that the Hebrew calendar reveals Jesus Christ, the Messiah and Savior of mankind. First, let’s fill in a little background on the calendar. For those who might not know, God’s calendar, unlike the Gregorian calendar used by most of the world today, isn’t a solar calendar. Nor is it a lunar calendar like the Muslim calendar. The Biblical calendar is a lunisolar calendar, that is, it uses the moon to calculate months...

The Tabernacle and Fishers of Men

  This is Part 7, the final part of this series on the tabernacle. That doesn’t mean we’ve learned all there is to know about it, mind you; there’s always much more to learn from God’s Word! We frail humans could never plumb the full depth of God’s mind and His Word, not in ten thousand lifetimes! But this wraps up our current study of the tabernacle in relation to the Holy Days, the days of Creation, and the ten commandments. Last time , we saw that, on the Day of Atonement, Jesus Christ returns to the earth with His 144,000 saints, slays the Beast and his armies, and casts Satan into the bottomless pit. He will return from the heavens, the Holy of Holies, and stand on the Mount of Olives where He was crucified. Under the Old Covenant, this was foreshadowed each year when, on the Day of Atonement, the high priest returned from the Holy of Holies to the altar of burnt offering and sprinkled it with blood. Jesus Christ’s thousand-year reign, then, also begins on this same day, the D...