Is Thanksgiving A Pagan Holiday?

We write about a lot of different topics on this blog, and one of the most popular topics we've covered has been God's Holy Days versus the world's pagan holidays. If you're a long-time follower of the blog you've probably realized that we've covered all the holidays by this point (If you aren't, I'll link to the rest of those posts at the end). Well, almost all of them. There is one we haven't talked about, and, as I'm sure you can guess from the title, that one is Thanksgiving. The question we want to look at today is whether or not it is okay for a Christian to keep Thanksgiving, or if, like the other holidays, it is simply a thin Christian veneer over a very evil and pagan holiday. Obviously, every day is a day of giving thanks to God for what He has done for us, but is declaring one day of the year as a special day to pause and come together with your family mean you don't give thanks the other days? No! It would be ludicrous to assume ...