Preparing For The Passover

There is a legend that there was once a God who became flesh and dwelt among men, a God who gave His own life so that these created creatures might have a chance at eternal life and becoming part of His family. This God was beaten and murdered by His own creation, but He did it willingly and without a protest. This very same God who once died so that all might have life more abundantly and so that He might unwind the curse of death will once again come to free us from the grasp of death for all time as the coming Holy day season pictures. With Passover, the memorial of this death, just around the corner, now is the perfect time to talk about the importance of preparing for it. The Passover kicks off the Holy day season, and it is the foundation of our faith; as such, it is essential that we understand the necessity of planning ahead. The most important component of Passover is Christ, for without Christ and His sacrifice for our sins, there would be no remission and c...