Our Faithful Shield

What do you think of when you think of a shield? Do you think of a round wood and metal creation? Or perhaps you think of the Norman style that’s longer and a bit more narrow. Does a feeling of protection and safety come over you when you think of a shield? Maybe it’s none of these things, but whatever it is, it’s important that you make full use of your personal shield. “I have a shield? That’s news to me,” you say as you look around your house. Yes, yes, you do. Not just any shield, either. It is the most powerful shield in the universe. The Shield of Faith. (Cue the heavenly chorus of angels and the bright lights) So… what is this shield, and how do we access it? Like any shield, this shield offers protection from danger and evil, and it quenches firey darts from our enemies. Ephesians 6:16 CSB In every situation take up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. This doesn’t tell us all that much about it,...