
Showing posts with the label number one

The Number 1 And Its Biblical Meaning

  God’s Word is like an onion. An onion has many layers, and when you peel off one layer, there’s another layer beneath it. Likewise, no matter how many times we study the Bible, we can always discover another layer and learn something new. Biblical numbers are one of these layers. Numbers are very important to God; He designed all of creation mathematically. He also included an abundance of numbers in His Word. The number 7, and “seventh,” is mentioned nearly 600 times in the Bible! The number 2, including such variations as “second” and “twice,” is mentioned about 1,000 times in Scripture. What is God telling us through all the numbers in His Word? What do they mean? Let’s find out! I had originally intended to write this post about the first three numbers — 1, 2, and 3 — but there’s too much material. These will have to be a series of blog posts, rather than just one! So let’s start with the number 1. 1: God, unity, preeminence In the very beginning, on the first day of Creation...