
Showing posts with the label death

The Last Enemy

  In this physical realm, death is part of life. As we go through life, we will all lose loved ones. Every flesh-and-blood human being we have ever known or met will one day perish. “It is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment” (Heb. 9:27). God didn’t design these physical bodies to endure forever, and this world around us is only temporary. And that includes death. Death , too, is only temporary. One day, death itself will pass away and be no more. Of course, it’s natural and healthy to mourn the loss of a loved one. Abraham mourned for Sarah and wept over her (Gen. 23:2). Joseph, his brothers, and even the Egyptians mourned and wept for Jacob (Gen. 50:1-14). Joshua and the children of Israel mourned and wept for Moses (Deut. 34:8). And so on. Throughout Scripture, there are many examples of mourning and weeping at the loss of a loved one. Yet it’s also important to remember that, for the righteous, death is simply a prelude to something far better. Near the ...

The Worms Crawl In; the Worms Crawl Out. Find Out What Death Is all About!

  Worm Food This is very much one of those topics where we have to start with what it cannot be, eliminate the impossible, and then go from there. Eliminate the impossible, and whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. We find ourselves on sensitive ground with this topic, everyone's favorite pet doctrine, so we must tread firmly and light the fires of truth. We must spread God's truth because, as innocent as this doctrine seems at first glance, it can greatly affect the way we live our lives and what happens to us upon death. Beliefs are not so dangerous for what they make us think but for how they make us live and the things they make us do or not do.  What happens to us when we die? Of course, the worms get a fine meal, though some are higher in cholesterol than others, but what happens beyond that?  There are many theories, ideas, and doctrines about what happens to us upon death, but today, let's look at what the Bible actually says. As I said in...