
Showing posts with the label worry

Worry Warts

Man has a long and lugubrious track record of failure. Ever since Adam obeyed the voice of his wife Eve, man has been on a steady downward trend that is swiftly headed for great disaster. If we look at the back of the book, it’s pretty easy to see how things end,  which can either bring a lot of anxiety and worry or a sense of peace depending on how you handle it and whether you are one of Satan's kids, or one of God’s children. Our track record of failure brings us little comfort when it comes time to select another leader of the so-called free world. Every four years we get the joy of an extra helping of anxiety delivered by our media and politicians that pairs nicely with a glass of a 6,000-year-old bottle of apocalypse.  We are at a place in human history where men no longer seek after God, but instead seek after what they or some other man can do to save them and care for them. The government is god to these people, with the medical profession its healing right hand. Scie...

You’re Being Watched

  You are being watched. Every hour, every day, every second. There’s a creature crouching, waiting, stalking, watching you with hate-filled eyes piercing through the darkness. You never see him, yet he’s always there, looking for a chink in your armor, searching for an opportunity to strike. Yes, this adversary is Satan the Devil. The apostle Peter wrote, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Pet. 5:8). “Know your enemy” is the famed maxim uttered by Sun Tzu, ancient Chinese soldier and author of The Art of War . Indeed, of such a dangerous foe, we cannot afford to be ignorant. After warning the Corinthians of a potential threat, the apostle Paul explained, “Lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices” (2 Cor. 2:11). God’s Word tells us much about Satan’s attacks. He is “more cunning than any beast of the field,” more cunning than a slithering snake or a stalking l...

How to Be Miserable: A Guide

  Some people, judging from their life choices, apparently enjoy being miserable, because they keep making the same choices that lead to misery. If you're one of these folks who aspires to be miserable, I’ve put together a how-to guide so that you can easily achieve maximum misery. This post will probably anger a few folks, because most of us, if not all of us, have made some of these choices. Make no mistake, though; I, too, have made plenty of these very choices over the years. Now, this post is just for fun, and it’s often exaggerated for effect. But hopefully it will make us all think about our life choices and make better ones. So let’s get started. Here’s your handy, ten-point guide on how to be miserable! 1. Disobey God This one is the most important of all. God gave us instructions for our own good (Deut. 10:13), so obviously you must ignore those in order to be truly miserable. If you find very plain instructions in God’s Word, ignore them. Tell yourself they don’t apply i...