What Is The Masculine Patriarchal Christian Legacy?

What is your legacy? People long to be remembered after they die. They want to leave behind something that will stand through the ages as a reminder to the world that they existed. They fear being forgotten by humanity after their death because they want to believe that their life meant something, that it had a purpose. They want to leave a mark. As Christians, we know that we will always be remembered by our creator and one day, He will bring us back to life from that memory. Men still have an inherent need to leave a mark on the world, though. So, as Christian men, what should this legacy that we leave behind be? World’s nicest guy? Hmm. That’s not very motivating, is it? What then? How about the legacy of a strong Christian warrior? A wild and courageous man who lived the life God set before him to the utmost, never bowing before Satan. These men exist, and they disappear with only God to remember their names, leaving nothing behind except a good example. This is a strong man,...