According To This Word

Get behind me, Satan!!! These are the harsh words that Christ spoke to one of His most faithful disciples. Why would Christ call Peter Satan? There are a few things that spring out of this statement that Christ made that we will look at in the context of leadership. This same statement could be made to thousands of so-called teachers and preachers in the world around us because they are not actually ministers of God; Instead, by teaching lies, they have unwittingly made themselves into ministers of darkness. These men are not possessed, but just as Peter did, they have seized on the lies of the Devil. With all of these people wandering around claiming to preach Christ, it can be pretty confusing to recognize those who are truly teaching Christ. So just how do we distinguish the light from the darkness? They are all pretty nice people and often have a strong charisma about them as well, so where has God drawn the line? In the gospel of Matthew, Christ made a profound statemen...