Cry After Knowledge
A man staggered up out of the ocean as lightning crashed all around him, briefly illuminating his surroundings. In front of him stretched a swampy bog with no visible path, and behind him, the gray ocean stretched into the unseen distance. A vague feeling of having been briefly dead washed over him as he stood dripping with salt water, undecided about the next move. A strange warmth and clearness of mind settled upon him as another flash of lightning revealed a craggy castle looming in the far distance. Somehow, he knew this castle was his destination, and in it, he would be safe. The only question was, how was he to get there? The next flash of lightning revealed a shimmering sword lying on the beach off to his right. He stumbled over to it and hefted it in his right hand. Scratches on the blade caught his eye, and he tilted it to get a better look at them. The scratches morphed into words as he peered at them, faintly glowing in the dark. I am the way, the truth, and the life. My wor...