
Showing posts with the label fight the good fight

Get Up and Fight!

  Today, I could tell you an inspirational story, but we’ve all heard those stories. There are thousands of inspirational stories. Stories of skydivers and mountain climbers who broke nearly every bone in their bodies and who crawled or dragged themselves for miles until being rescued. Stories of outdoorsmen, hunters, and hikers who survived horrific falls and maulings by wild animals. Stories of POWs who endured years of torture, beatings, and starvation. You’ve all heard them, or stories like them. You’ve all heard stories of people who refused to give up in the face of impossible odds. But today, it’s not time for another story. It’s time to stop and evaluate where we are in life, where we want to be, and how badly we want to get there. We live in a society of quitters. People quit whenever life gets hard, and not only when it gets hard, but even when it gets slightly inconvenient. People quit on their jobs, on their marriages, and on God. People discover that obeying God isn’t ...