
Showing posts with the label Saturnalia

10 PAGAN Traditions of Mainstream Christianity!

  Do you, as a Christian, consider God to be the ultimate authority? Do you consider the Bible to be His written Word and therefore, likewise, the ultimate authority? Does your church? Does your church base all its doctrines, to the best of its knowledge, on God’s Word? Or does it instead follow the traditions of men? Worse yet, does it follow pagan traditions masquerading as Christian ones? God’s Word says, “Whatever I command you, be careful to observe it; you shall not add to it nor take away from it” (Deut. 12:32). Jesus Christ spoke to the religious leaders of His day, quoting Isaiah the prophet, “In vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men” (Mat. 15:9). Has very much changed from that day to this? Given the differing doctrines and the many disagreements among the churches out there in this world, it logically follows that they can’t all be right. Most of them must be “teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.” This shouldn’t surprise anyone, fo...

A Most Mysterious Holiday: The Rest of the Story

  WARNING: Contains extreme violence. May not be appropriate for children. Parental discretion is advised. To tell this story, it’s necessary to include the violent and disturbing parts. This is a story of Satanic worship and how Satan tricked modern society into adopting it. The mainstream Christian world has not shunned it, but has actually helped to spread it! How did this come to be? And why? Our story begins in the land of Canaan nearly 3,500 years ago. The people of Canaan had plummeted to such depths of depravity and wickedness that God commanded His people, the Israelites, to destroy them all — men, women, children, everyone polluted by that society. Like the Aztecs of later infamy, who ripped the hearts out of live human beings and offered those still-beating hearts to the sun god, the Canaanites slaughtered human beings in sacrifice to their gods. Not just any human beings, either, but young children in particular. The Worship of Molech and Baal Among other deities, the C...