
Showing posts with the label sheol

What Happens When You Die?

Long ago, King Solomon wrote that we must take death to heart (Eccl. 7:2). His father King David expressed a similar thought (Psa. 39:4), and so did Moses (Deut. 32:29). Every one of us will die one day (Heb. 9:27), no one can escape death (Psa. 89:48), and not one of us knows the day of his or her own death (Eccl. 9:12). Let us, as Solomon advised, take it to heart while we have opportunity! What happens when we die? Do good people go to heaven, floating among the clouds, playing harps, and watching over their loved ones? Do bad people go to hell to be tormented forever and ever, writhing and screaming in the flames, being stabbed over and over again by pitchfork-wielding demons? Do we simply cease to exist? God’s Word tells us plainly that all go to one place: the grave (Eccl. 6:6). Wise, foolish, rich, poor, kings, beggars — all will end up in basically the same place: lowered into a hole and covered with earth (Eccl. 2:14-16). Everyone’s body will return to dust, and everyone’s spi...