
 The purpose of this blog is to stimulate Bible study and discussion.

"Prove all things, hold fast that which is good" (1 Thes. 5:21).

"Prove" is Strong's #G1381 and means "scrutinize, test, examine" — the sort of careful examination that a detective would do!

Examine everything in the light of Scripture; believe only what is Scripturally sound.

Do not believe us or any other human being, but only your Bible.

We do not seek to draw anyone to ourselves or to any man or organization, but to point everyone to Jesus Christ and His Word.

We don't enforce uniformity of thought or doctrine among ourselves or others.

We aren't the thought police.

Views expressed by individual authors in this space may or may not reflect the views of all of us.

Again, please examine everything for yourself in your own Bible, and don't just take our word or anyone else's word for it.


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