
Showing posts with the label Kingdom

The Ten Suggestions?

It is widely accepted that the universe is governed by a set of what are called “scientific laws.”   These include: the laws of motion, electromagnetism, attraction, thermodynamics, energy, entropy, and so on.  Our understanding of these laws is not concrete, but their existence is. A scientific law does not explain why an action takes place, but only that it does take place.  It also does not describe the result of the action, as that can vary depending on circumstances.   If a man jumps off of the Empire State Building without a parachute, the law of gravity predicts his accelerated motion and velocity upon impact with the ground. The law of energy describes the amount of potential energy that he possesses as he stands on the edge, and the amount of energy imparted to the concrete below when his adventure concludes. This leaves our imagination to describe his exaggerated surface area and the trauma caused to the onlookers.  If the man believes that gravity doe...