
Showing posts with the label book of life

War Is Hell

  Welcome To The Fight!!! You did it! You made the decision to be baptized! You rejected the magic of Satan and accepted God’s Holy Spirit. Something doesn’t feel right, though. This whole following God thing is harder than you thought it would be. Satan has been attacking you constantly, whether you realize it or not. He doesn’t handle rejection very well, and like a jealous ex, he desperately wants you to take him back. Now comes the bewildering part. You chose to follow God and dedicate your life to Him, but now what? Where do you go from here? It’s easy to become complacent and feel like we have achieved everything we needed to do with baptism. We get bogged down by the world's cares and begin to lose sight of the passion for God that made us choose Him in the first place. We lose sight of our mission. Post-baptism bogging down is extremely common, not just post-baptism, but at every stage of our walk with God. It’s easy to lose sight of our mission in the whirlwind that life i...

The Truth About the Second Resurrection

Have you ever wondered what will become of the billions who lived and died without ever hearing the name of Jesus or seeing a Bible? The miscarried and the stillborn? The young children who died of smallpox, starvation, or abuse? Eskimos, Chinese, Pacific islanders, Australian aborigines, Africans, and South American tribes who lived and died long before anyone could tell them about Jesus? Acts 4:12 and John 3:16 show us that only by accepting Jesus Christ can we be saved; no one of any other belief will be in His Kingdom. So how could ancient Pacific islanders accept Jesus Christ when they had never heard of Him? How could the stillborn child of unbelieving parents accept Jesus Christ? This is a point that the Apostle Paul also made in Rom. 10:14. First, let's consider that during the 6,000-odd years God has given man on this earth, few will be saved. Very few indeed. That doesn't mean the others are lost; more on that in a moment. But very few will be saved initially. The Apo...