
Showing posts with the label Dating and Marriage Pt 4

A Four Letter Word

  Not That Four Letter Word Why do we date? What drives us to seek out someone of the opposite sex and spend exorbitant amounts of our time, emotions, and money getting to know them? Different people will have different answers to these questions, but there should really only be one answer. Some people seek out dating just to be in a relationship with someone. They yearn for a deep connection but don’t want the commitment that goes with a truly deep connection, so instead, they settle for a cheap imitation. Sometimes this dating relationship leads to living together without being married. Still unable to make the commitment that leads to true oneness, they will always have an essential part missing. There will always be a hollow part in their relationship that they won’t be able to fill. So if the reason we date is not just for the dating relationship, why then do we date? Dating is supposed to be a necessary evil on the path to marriage. It is not supposed to be the goal. We date ...