Be Happy! With Who You Are?

Have you ever heard someone say, “learn to be happy with who you are?” More than likely, it didn’t even make you think twice, and you then went on about with your life. Of all the dangerous phrases and thoughts to us Christians, among which are “blend in with the world” and “don’t stand out” or “don’t be different from the world,” this is perhaps the most dangerous to our spiritual life. How can I say that? On the surface, this appears to be a wise principle to follow, doesn’t it? Healthy at any weight, right? At this point, you can probably hear the medical profession innocently whistling in the background and casually fanning themselves with the stacks of research on obesity and mortality rates, but pay them no mind. If this statement can be this dangerous to our physical health, well, then just imagine what it does to our spiritual and mental health. This isn’t a statement to promote self-health; it’s a statement to promote self-satisfaction and stagnation. If you are happy wit...