Thoughts On the Psalms: Psalm 4

Today, we are into the fourth Psalm. The third Psalm tied in very nicely with the last day of Unleavened Bread, and the fourth one, as we shall discover, ties in very well with Pentecost. David was a man after God’s own heart, and these Psalms come out of that devotion to God. They are inspired works of scripture, beautiful poetry, and the prayers and songs of a man utterly devoted to God. David had his women, very beautiful women at that, but his first and truest love was always his God. That is where his devotion and fulfillment came from, not from his wives, and I think there is a lesson in that for each and every one of us, men or women. We have a spot within us that can only be filled by a relationship with God, and all too often, we try to fill that empty place with our relationship with the opposite sex. Our relationship with God takes priority over all other relationships, and it only exists in the first place because He chose us to be His first fruits. Pentecost com...