The Man In the Mirror

The morality of man is a hard thing to come to terms with. Or shall I say the lack of morality, because our base nature is very lacking in morality. We are all wandering around doing what is right in our own eyes, more or less, and very few of the people in the world adhere to the proper standard. When we step back and look at things, the standard we are all aiming for goes beyond simple morality since morality is usually nothing more than not doing something. As Christians, our most basic pattern of morality is the Ten Commandments, and of those ten, only two tell us to do something. Only one of those two gives us a pattern of action, the other is simply remembering to do nothing. Ninety percent of our moral code, in other words, is what not to do. Of course, if we read the rest of the Bible we find that there are a lot of things that we should be doing, especially where walking as Christ walked is concerned, but walking as Christ walked is not simple morals. Jesus was the most m...