
Showing posts with the label Jordan River

What Day of the Week Did the 14th of Nisan Fall On the Year Israel Crossed Into the Land of Canaan?

A Brief Explanation of the Miraculous Events Contained in the Riveting Opening Chapters of Joshua and Joshua Chapter Five From the Enlightening Perspective of the Hebrew Calendar Based on the Fascinating Biblical Narratives Contained in the Extraordinary Books of Exodus and Joshua.  By Brett Gray and Kyle Bacher On what day of the week did the 14th of Nisan fall in the year Israel entered the land of Canaan? Are there any clues from Scripture we can use to determine this?  When combined with the Hebrew calendar, Scripture provides a number of clues that tell us exactly what day of the week it was when they crossed the Jordan and what day of the week it was on that first Nisan 14 in the land of Canaan.  The Evidence The Hebrew Calendar, as made public by Hillel II, is a mathematical marvel that operates under a very specific set of rules, and using those rules, we can determine a great many things about the year the Israelites entered the land of Canaan.  We will set ...