
Showing posts with the label Magic

The Christian Church of Witchcraft Inc.

There is a new trend in the modern world that is not at all new. People call it “new age” religion, but there is nothing unique to this age about it. Spirituality is the hot new thing, which sounds great on the surface, but flowing underneath it is a current that is pure evil. On its surface, it all seems very innocent and harmless like this particular spirituality is the answer to all mankind's problems, but dig a little deeper, and you find the one providing the answers is Satan himself. These practices are all well outside those who follow God, or so one would think. Remember how I said they appear harmless on the surface? Unfortunately, this makes these practices hard to recognize without looking through the lens of the Bible, and when we do that, well, you better be prepared.    What if I told you that witchcraft and the religion of Satan, the mystery religion, had crept into the Church of God, and few were able even to recognize it? Witchcraft, also known as “new ag...

It's Magical!

  This life is full of decisions; in fact, we make an average of thirty-five thousand of the little buggers a day! From what to wear and what to eat to whether or not to smile at a stranger, our life is composed of decisions. The smallest of them can change the course of our lives forever, and the biggest of them can either destroy us or save us. To talk about the decision we have to make, we must talk about the war. The biggest and longest-lasting battle in history is the battle between dark and light, good and evil. As long as humans have existed, we have been choosing one side or the other. Choosing a side isn’t as simple as choosing and then continuing to live your life the way you always have; whichever side you choose will require your participation in the fight. There is no neutrality; you choose darkness simply by making no choice. You would think everyone would choose the side of light, the side of life, but that’s not so. The darkness is attractive, it’s fun, and they hav...