
Showing posts with the label God first

Isn't It A Beautiful Day?!

I sn’t it a beautiful day?! Someone is always ready to take exception with that phrase but think about it. We’re alive (at least, I assume you are since you are reading my post), and we were all able to wake up and read, and that is a blessing that shouldn’t be taken for granted. Not everyone can say the same.  I’m on a diet that is supposed to reset my metabolism, and one of the things I can have is nuts. Not as many as I want, but I can have eighteen.  Does anyone out there have a nut allergy to the point where if you didn’t receive medical intervention, you would die?  I’m sure that seems like an odd question, and in fact, this whole post, as I’m sure you will admit, has been pretty odd up to this point. There is an explanation, I assure you, and it has nothing to do with morning drinking.  Just being able to eat nuts without dying is something that all of us have probably taken for granted, yet it is something to be thankful to God for. We can enjoy delicious n...

Building a Relationship with God

  Building a Relationship with God. This is something I think I can safely say we all desire, but a question remains—how do we go about it? How do we make sure we are on the right track to have a successful outcome? There is an unspoken rule that works wonders, in every area of our lives to which we apply it, including this one: “To be effective at whatever it is we are trying to do, we must first educate ourselves on the “why” (the purpose), and the “how” (the process), and then based on that knowledge, develop a course of action to accomplish our goal.” This, regarding building a relationship with God, is what I would like to focus on today. The “Why” God did not create mankind to always be alone. Instead, He instilled in them a desire to have relationships with others—to be a part of something bigger than themselves. This desire when utilized properly, is a powerful motivator and wonderful blessing that has all kinds of benefits. As Eccl. 4:9-12 says, “Two are better th...