Passover Symbolism and the Deliverance of Lot
God’s Word is filled with Passover symbolism and foreshadows of Jesus Christ’s death as our Passover Lamb. In fact, one could make a case that the entire Bible points to Passover because the entire Bible points to “Christ and Him crucified” (1 Cor. 2:2) — and that’s what Passover is all about! “Before the foundation of the world” (1 Pet. 1:20), God planned for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ to cover our sins. And at Creation, even before He had created man, God likewise established His appointed times or Holy Days — including Passover, setting the sun and moon in the sky “for signs and seasons [ moedim ; appointed times], and for days and years” (Gen. 1:14). So the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the symbolism of Passover is woven throughout the Bible, from the very beginning to the end. The Bible first mentions “unleavened bread,” or the Hebrew matzah (Strong’s # H4682), in Gen. 19, the story of Lot. Now I don’t know whether this event literally took place at Passover or not, but ...