
Showing posts with the label Answered Prayer

Thoughts On the Psalms: Psalm 7

We have two Psalms left in this series, but that's not the end of our journey through the Psalms. We have another one hundred and forty two psalms to go once we finish with these first eight, and I fully intend to make it through them all by the time I finish. As I said in my first post on the Psalms, the Psalms are some of my favorite writings in the Bible. They are full of prophecy, poetry, pain, courage, worship, and love, with many of them being written by a man who God said was a man after His own heart. A man who loved God with everything he had and followed Him clear to the end because of that utter devotion. We are blessed that God preserved his writings for us today because there is much that we need to learn from them. I'm under no illusion that I am bringing you everything contained in these Psalms, but perhaps there will be one thing that you did not see before that is brought to light by my thoughts.  The seventh Psalm nicely corresponds to the first day of the Fea...

Ask and You Shall Receive

Have you ever asked our heavenly Father for something?   I am sure we all have many times.  And many times we have been granted our requests.   I love hearing stories of miraculous healings and interventions in the lives of our brethren! But then there are the times we have asked for things and been denied. Maybe it was healing for a loved one, or for the return of a prodigal child.  Maybe it was a shiny new car,  or a spouse.   Whatever it was, when the answer is “no” how do we handle that?  What about all the promises in the Bible?   Is it because our faith wasn’t strong enough?  Is it because we committed a sin, and our Father doesn’t hear our prayers?  Or is it something else entirely?  These are questions I have asked,  and after studying this subject, I would like to share my findings with you, and get some input and different perspectives if possible. Let’s start with the promises.     “ So ...