
Showing posts with the label Armor of God

Testing the Spirits

  Some time back, there was a post on here entitled, “ How Easy It Is to Be Deceived .” Today’s post may be considered a companion piece to that one, albeit from a rather different perspective: how NOT to be deceived. This world today is flooded with information as never before in recorded history. Well do we see the prophecy in Daniel fulfilled before our eyes: “Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase” (Dan. 12:4). You can find information of all kinds, about every topic imaginable. Some of it’s true and some of it isn’t, some of it’s helpful and much of it isn’t. This ocean of information is littered with icebergs of deceit and fraud. Governments lie to us, the news media lie to us, scientists lie to us, and churches lie to us. And to top it all off, every village idiot and his brother now have microphones to broadcast their opinions far and wide. You’ll find endless rabbit holes of conspiracy theories, some of which turn out to be true and many of which don’t. An...

What About Satan?

Many of the theological mysteries in life are mysteries for a reason, and answers, even partial answers are not possible without a great deal of speculation, such as, “What did God do before Earth?” for example, or “Where did the garden of Eden go?” Or even impossible to comprehend beyond such a basic answer as to be no answer at all like the question, "Where did God come from?" Eternity is easily imagined going into the future, but it will inspire smoke from your brain to imagine it going backwards. The question we are seeking an answer to today is not one of these, though at first glance it may appear to be so. The Bible actually has a great deal to say on the topic, and though the answers it contains may not satisfy all of our questions, it fully answers the main ones. We must be satisfied with the main trunk of the answers and content with such branches of the question that are given to us.  We seek an answer to the question, “Who is Satan?”  Even more importantly, “What ...