
Showing posts with the label Building good habits

Five Fun Facts About Biblical Modesty

It doesn't take much to get people worked up these days, and everyone is ready to get offended at the drop of a hat. Often, they will drop the hat themselves if no opportunity presents itself. Occasionally, people are actually offended for good reason as with someone saying abortion is a good thing. That's a great thing to get worked up about because the murder of innocent babies is an abomination in God's eyes. Things that are an abomination in God's eyes are good to get worked up about and to have some righteous indignation over, as we see with David and many of the prophets. A while back I wrote an article about modesty entitled “ Warning! Nudity Ahead! ” and as you might imagine, it ruffled a few feathers and offended a few people who didn't like the idea that God would limit us on what we can do with our own bodies. The topic of modesty is quite controversial and nowhere more so than among Christians, surprisingly.  You may not be surprised at all, especially ...

Dealing With the Aftermath

  As We wrap up the Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day, each of us heading back to our own lives, let us reflect on this past week. Did we truly come out of this world? Did we grow in the grace and knowledge of our savior and king? Do we feel closer to God now then at the beginning? Are we going back to our lives with renewed vigor? Was the majority of our time this past week spent on studying and discussing God’s word, rejoicing in Him and not just our own pleasures? And then of course, did we meet like-minded brethren who are a positive influence on us, who encourage us in our walk with God --- building and strengthening the brotherhood? These are all good questions to ask ourselves, criteria that would help us determine how beneficial this Feast of Tabernacles has been. Hopefully we can all answer yes to these questions, but if not, hopefully they can show us where we can improve to maximize the potential of these set apart times that God has given us. We know that we...