
Showing posts with the label judgment

You Who Judge Another

  When is it okay to judge someone else’s actions as right or wrong? No one likes a judgemental person, but what if we are supposed to be making judgments? How else do we determine who is of God and who isn’t? These are all excellent questions, mostly because I only ask excellent questions, but is there an answer for them? That is another excellent question. At various times in my life, these questions have rattled around, with first, one answer coming out on top, then another. Today I would like to attempt a satisfactory answer to these questions using the best source for answers to all good questions, the Bible.  John 8:15-16 NKJV "You judge according to the flesh; I judge no one.  16 "And yet if I do judge, My judgment is true; for I am not alone, but I [am] with the Father who sent Me.   It would appear Christ Himself did not judge in His time on earth. His time was not yet; He was here to offer a life preserver to a doomed humanity. He did pass judgment, though,...

The REAL Jesus vs. The Fake

  Most of the world has heard of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. However His name might be pronounced in each person’s language — Jesus, Yeshua, Iesous, Gesu, Yesu — nearly everyone has heard the name. But how many people KNOW Him? For that matter, what about professing Christians? They claim to worship and follow Jesus Christ, but how many Christians actually KNOW Him? Very few! There’s a vast difference between knowing a name and knowing the person who bears that name. Most of the world knows very little about the real Jesus of the Bible, and there are countless false perceptions about Him! Let’s address a few of these. Jesus Is a Mighty Savior Most of the world views Jesus as a frail, long-haired fellow with a gentle, soft-spoken manner. An ancient “peace and love” hippie. A weak, emaciated fellow who not only went peacefully to the cross, but who could’ve rendered no resistance in the first place. As Timothy Griffith has already demonstrated , Jesus didn't have long hair. Please ...