
Showing posts with the label Parasites

The Parasitic Nature of Sin

  A parasite survives b y feeding off its host in a manner that is damaging to the host. If it doesn't have anything to feed on, it dies. Similarly, in order for sins, bad habits or addictions to survive, they require food from you. Our words, thoughts and actions are often the food sin requires for survival. In order to get rid of a sin, you must deprive it of its food source.  The sin parasite feeds on negative thoughts, words and actions. In order to remove this food source, make an effort to think about good things, watch what you say, control your actions and be careful of what you put into your mind. However, it takes more than simply depriving them of food to get rid of these stubborn parasites. To be completely effective, it also takes prayer and God’s forgiveness to fully be rid of them. Ultimately, it is forgiveness that finally washes it away.  So how do we obtain this forgiveness? It's simple actually, you just have to ask for it, confess your sins and repen...