Thoughts On the Psalms: Psalm 1

What an incredible book Psalms is! I have always loved the Psalms; they share a special place in my heart. It’s easy to identify with them, seek comfort from them, and simply enjoy their beauty, yet there is always a deeper layer to them. They contain doctrine and prophecy in abundance and even the deeper message God has for each one of us. Most of the Psalms were written by David, a man after God’s own heart, and each one was a song written to the creator He loved. Growing up, as part of our schooling, we read a psalm every day, and it has been something I’ve gotten away from. I think it’s about time to revisit the Psalms and explore the beauty, wildness, and the voice of God in each one. Join me for thoughts on the Psalms as we read through some of the most beautiful poetry ever written and see through the eyes of men deep in a romance with their creator. I thought about starting with my favorite Psalm, 119, but as I read through Psalm one, a couple of key things jumped out to ...