
Showing posts with the label Leadership

We Led the Way

In modern Christianity there is a fundamental misunderstanding surrounding the topic of leadership and authority, especially in the family, but in the larger Church of God as well. Men do not understand their role, and women don’t understand the men’s role either, let alone their own role. For example, how many times have you heard your pastor or another person speak about “servant leaders?”  There are few things that have done as much damage to true leadership in the Church and family as that phrase and the ideas that go along with it. A leader certainly serves and is a servant, but that is not all he does, and that is only a small aspect of his role. That small aspect is where all the attention ends up being placed in the modern Church, unfortunately; as a result, we have very few true leaders because leadership is not being taught. The leadership that results from a lack of knowledge is weak and ineffective, which leads to a breakdown of the family and the Church. The world face...

Deborah: A Tale of Failed Leadership

  I originally wrote this post as a sermonette, in fact, it was the very first sermonette I ever gave. A decent amount of time has passed since then, and the issues that spawned the original have become even more prevalent, that is, men and women abandoning the roles God has given them in favor of easier roles that don't work well together. There is nothing easy about the roles God has ordained for men and women, and there has been a concerted effort since the beginning of time to destroy them because by destroying them you can destroy the family and society at large which is the full aim of feminism.  Among Christian circles, the story of Deborah has more or less become the poster child of that effort as if one story invalidates everything else the Bible has to say about the topic of men and women. Sadly, the story of Deborah is actually very much the opposite of what these factions claim, and it is a terrible disservice to the incredible Christian woman she actually was when...