
Showing posts with the label happiness

How to Be Miserable: A Guide

  Some people, judging from their life choices, apparently enjoy being miserable, because they keep making the same choices that lead to misery. If you're one of these folks who aspires to be miserable, I’ve put together a how-to guide so that you can easily achieve maximum misery. This post will probably anger a few folks, because most of us, if not all of us, have made some of these choices. Make no mistake, though; I, too, have made plenty of these very choices over the years. Now, this post is just for fun, and it’s often exaggerated for effect. But hopefully it will make us all think about our life choices and make better ones. So let’s get started. Here’s your handy, ten-point guide on how to be miserable! 1. Disobey God This one is the most important of all. God gave us instructions for our own good (Deut. 10:13), so obviously you must ignore those in order to be truly miserable. If you find very plain instructions in God’s Word, ignore them. Tell yourself they don’t apply i...

In Everything, Give Thanks!

  Of all the things wrong with modern society, one of the worst is the rampant lack of thankfulness. We are the most blessed people in all of history, and perhaps among the least appreciative. It’s a safe bet that none of us reading this blog have ever faced the prospect of starving to death if our crops failed, if we returned empty-handed from a hunting trip, or if we failed to forage for and store enough food for the winter. No, we can simply go to the grocery store and buy the food we need when we need it. How many of us would complain if the air conditioning in our car stopped working, oblivious to the fact that for most of human history, no one had either cars or air conditioning? How many of us complain about a “slow” Internet connection, forgetting how amazed we once were to have dial-up Internet? How often do we stop to think how truly blessed we are, or to thank God for all the blessings we have? As the question is sometimes posed, if we wake up tomorrow with only the thi...