To Wear It Or Not To Wear It. Is Makeup Forbidden In the Bible?

A topic debated of old in the Church of God is that of makeup. To wear it or not to wear it is the question, and many try to prove that only prostitutes wear makeup. In the Bible anyways. In spite of this it has long since been proven that the Bible has nothing to say against makeup directly, though nor does it have anything to say in favor of it. It seems to be entirely neutral on the subject, and since my desire and endeavor is to be strong where the Bible is strong and soft where it is quiet, it would seem that is that. Or so one would think. A certain video and the fact that women look more beautiful to me when they go all natural prompted me to revisit the topic from a slightly different angle. With this article, I hope not so much to push my opinion as to ask a series of what I hope are thought-provoking questions in the light of Scripture. My post on modesty covers the mindset we should carry toward uncovering ourselves, but makeup is the opposite; covering something up. ...