
Showing posts with the label millennium

Good News! I've Got GOOD NEWS!

  Can you imagine a world with no war and no crime? No murder, no stealing, and no kidnapping? No drugs or drunkenness? No cancer, no heart disease, no Alzheimer’s? Imagine a world with no adultery, no domestic violence, and no broken homes. Imagine a world with no lying, thieving politicians and no crooked cops or judges. Imagine a world “in which righteousness dwells” (2 Pet. 3:13). Well, I’ve got good news: this world exists, and we will all one day see it! Not everyone will ultimately live in it — more on that later — but everyone will have a chance. This wonderful world, of course, is the Kingdom of God. This is the heart of the gospel. When Jesus Christ came to earth in the flesh, we read that He “came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel’” (Mark 1:14-15). This was the purpose of His ministry: “But He said to them, ‘I must preach the kingdom of God to th...

The Tabernacle and Fishers of Men

  This is Part 7, the final part of this series on the tabernacle. That doesn’t mean we’ve learned all there is to know about it, mind you; there’s always much more to learn from God’s Word! We frail humans could never plumb the full depth of God’s mind and His Word, not in ten thousand lifetimes! But this wraps up our current study of the tabernacle in relation to the Holy Days, the days of Creation, and the ten commandments. Last time , we saw that, on the Day of Atonement, Jesus Christ returns to the earth with His 144,000 saints, slays the Beast and his armies, and casts Satan into the bottomless pit. He will return from the heavens, the Holy of Holies, and stand on the Mount of Olives where He was crucified. Under the Old Covenant, this was foreshadowed each year when, on the Day of Atonement, the high priest returned from the Holy of Holies to the altar of burnt offering and sprinkled it with blood. Jesus Christ’s thousand-year reign, then, also begins on this same day, the D...

The Guests Are Here, and They Look Hungry

Guest post by Richard Gray . This is part of an ongoing series on the fall holy days . The Feast of Tabernacles corresponds to the sixth and final day of the physical creation. This festival pictures a joyful time of feasting on God’s word that will have been made possible by the work that was done during the millennium. All of the preparations for this, the largest banquet in the history of the universe will have been completed during the millennium. The banquet hall (the earth) has been refurbished. No more crime ridden, drug infested, filthy cities run by corrupt lying politicians. No more filthy entertainment, good-bye Hollywood. No more Murder Inc. (a.k.a. as Planned Parenthood). All of the filth and trash that the way of life that this world has to offer—gone forever! The 48 Levitical cities, established during the millennium, will be centers of teaching the truth. That means this world’s corrupt, lying education system will be gone. These cities will provide righteous judgme...