The Biggest Missing Persons Case of All Time
Seven centuries before Christ, a famous people vanished from the earth. The world’s mightiest empire invaded their land, burned their cities, and carried them away as captives. To most researchers, the captives’ fate remains unknown. In perhaps the biggest missing persons case of all time, millions of people disappeared from the historical record, never to be heard of again! The conquerors were the Assyrians, a proud, warlike people whose power and cruelty terrorized the rest of the known world. The vanished people belonged to the northern kingdom of Israel. As we saw in three previous posts (links below), they are now called the “lost ten tribes of Israel.” What happened to the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel? Were they obliterated in an ancient genocide, or are their descendants still wandering this terrestrial globe? Did they assimilate into surrounding peoples and disappear altogether, or have they secretly played a role in world history? Have you been looking at them your whole life wit...