
Showing posts with the label Bootcamp

Bootcamp For The Kingdom

Marriage is boot camp for becoming sons and daughters of God. As with any good boot camp, the purpose of this one is to whip us into exceptional spiritual warrior shape in the space of a single lifetime. I think that we would agree that this is a pretty tall order for most of us.  It’s easy to say that marriage is a boot camp, but what does that actually mean, especially for those of us who are still single? Well, why did God create marriage? Did God create marriage to bring ultimate happiness to our lives?  As singles, a lot of us have idolized marriage as the one thing that will bring us true happiness. I know I’ve done that, and I’m sure many of you have too. We think that perhaps God created marriage to give us fulfillment, or maybe it was for the purpose of pure romantic love. I know! I bet God gave us another person to live with to complete us! That’s got to be it!  Or maybe not so much.  There’s nothing wrong with happiness or fulfillment, but is that why God ...