Attention All Fairytale Things!

Are you struggling with pronouns like a confused penguin? Fear not, my friend! As a seasoned wordsmith and Bible buff (not to brag, but I have written a couple of posts. Hehe), let me guide you through the treacherous waters of pronoun use. Trust me; you'll be pronouning like a pro in no time! So sit back, grab some popcorn, and hang on as we dive into the not-so-wild world of pronouns and remove your confused penguin look. The first thing to straighten out is the question that might be on everyone’s mind. What is a pronoun? Well, quite simply, it is a noun that has lost its amateur status. It has gone pro. Having gone pro, it is now a word that stands in for a noun. Like nouns, pronouns refer to people, things, concepts, or places. Most sentences contain at least one noun or pronoun. A pronoun can serve as the subject or object in a sentence, and it will usually refer back (or sometimes forward) to an antecedent—the noun that the pronoun stands in for. Pronouns are used to avoid t...