
Showing posts with the label bishops

The Jaw-dropping Truth About Ordaining Pastors and Elders

  This post forms a sequel to my earlier post, The Flabbergasting Reason Women Should Be Deacons and Ministers . Both that article and this one lay out some things that I learned only a few months ago, when I began to deep-dive into what God’s Word really says about church government. As we saw in that first post, deacons, ministers, and servants are one and the same thing. There is no office or position of “deacon.” They hold no position of authority within the congregations, but are simply those who serve the congregation in some capacity. Both men and women may fill this role if they meet the qualifications and represent the congregation honorably. For example, women who help out with the sound system or filming, or who bring snacks for everyone to enjoy, or who serve the brethren in any other capacity, may be considered “deacons,” “ministers,” or servants to the congregation. In fact, all of God’s people are to be servants, that is, “deacons,” to one another. However, deacons, ...