The Old Ghoul

Just around the corner Always lurking behind Dripping with inky blackness Hungry lust forever in his mind His eyes glowing out of the darkness Bony fingers aching to embrace my soul He lies in wait for when I am weakest Oh, what a cowardly ghoul When I least expect him, on me he leaps He slashes and bites deep before I can rise With a desperate cry, I draw my sword The Word flashes forth Once more, darkening his eyes I lay there bloody and torn as he dies My wounds are as deep as the night I pray for healing and forgiveness once again My Father hears my cry and pools me in His light “How long will I battle this Old Man?” I cry out When will victory come? “My beloved son,” I hear my Father say “Don’t you know? In the fight, victory is already won” I will praise the Lord who delivers my soul He has saved me out of the thick darkness My God who loves me has forgiven me again Once more He has liberated me from that Old Ghoul He is my rock and my shield I need fear no man or spirit The...