In the Beginning Was... The LAW!
When conversing with folks who insist that God’s law is abolished, especially the parts like keeping the Sabbath or abstaining from pork, you’ll often hear something like this: “That was just for the Jews. Nobody else had to keep those old laws.” In essence, they assert that God has different standards at different times for different people. That He invented special laws for the Israelites and never expected anyone else to follow them. They might also dismiss these as “Mosaic laws,” as if they were the product of Moses’ imagination and not Divine instruction! But the truth is, we find these laws in the Bible long before Moses, long before Israel reached Mt. Sinai, and long before Israel even became a nation! When God gave Moses and the Israelites His laws at Mt. Sinai, they weren’t new laws. They were the same laws He established at Creation for all humanity! Israel, and most of the rest of mankind, had simply forgotten them. Consider, for example, God’s prohibition against idol...