
Showing posts with the label Baptism pt 1

It's Magical!

  This life is full of decisions; in fact, we make an average of thirty-five thousand of the little buggers a day! From what to wear and what to eat to whether or not to smile at a stranger, our life is composed of decisions. The smallest of them can change the course of our lives forever, and the biggest of them can either destroy us or save us. To talk about the decision we have to make, we must talk about the war. The biggest and longest-lasting battle in history is the battle between dark and light, good and evil. As long as humans have existed, we have been choosing one side or the other. Choosing a side isn’t as simple as choosing and then continuing to live your life the way you always have; whichever side you choose will require your participation in the fight. There is no neutrality; you choose darkness simply by making no choice. You would think everyone would choose the side of light, the side of life, but that’s not so. The darkness is attractive, it’s fun, and they hav...