The Race Set Before Us
For longer than anyone can remember, the Tarahumara (pronounced Tara-mara) Indians in northwestern Mexico have been running. Not just any running, either — 200- and 300-mile foot races without stopping, taking 40, 50, or more hours to finish! They run in sandals or bare feet, taking with them only a small bag of beans or corn for food. The longest recorded run by a Tarahumara was 435 miles in just over 48 hours! That’s more than 16.5 marathons in two days. Running is life for the Tarahumara. They start running almost from the time they can walk, and don’t stop even in old age. Men and women in their 70s and 80s run, too. Even their method of hunting revolves around running: they hunt deer and turkeys simply by chasing them to exhaustion, and even capture wild horses the same way. There are several lessons we can learn from the Tarahumara. For those called by God, the race that we run is long — an entire lifetime! The Apostle Paul wrote, “Do you not know that those who run in a race all...