
Showing posts with the label God's Law

Is Your Heart Actually Desperately Wicked?

There are many go-to verses that we are quite familiar with in the Church of God; verses for just about every situation you might come across, and to refute all kinds of modern pagan religion. The Bible is a sword, after all, and it is quite powerful in the real sort of warfare we engage in on a daily basis. For instance, people in the world will tell you to “follow your heart,” meaning that whatever desire might cross the screen of your heart should be followed. You should essentially let your desires and emotions rule your life rather than any form of discipline or written code as in the case of the Christian religion. Though the problem with this is obvious, many Christians buy into this false idea that the heart is something to be followed. Jeremiah said something about this when he said, The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked; who can know it? Jeremiah 17:9 (AFV) This is similar to the ideas that are echoed in Genesis and in Proverbs, the idea that the he...

What Are We to Do With the Clean and the Unclean? PT 3

Do you think women would be offended if I told them to stay home while they were on their period? What if God told them to stay home?  Chances are, the answer is yes, it probably would make women very offended to be told this. Well, that's exactly what God told them to do in the books of Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy. These practices are considered old and to be valid for some people other than ourselves, but what if they aren't?  As we explored in the previous two posts, everything God gave us in His law was given to us for a reason, and it's up to us to study and learn just what that reason is. Granted, some of those laws pertained to a society governed by a leader who served God, and a people who followed suit. Following those laws and enforcing them is not possible for us as a society or even as an isolated group because we no longer have a society like that, but the principles remain for us as followers of God.  Following God requires a lot of us not just physic...