Warning! Nudity Ahead!

You will often see a warning on movies if it contains nudity or even partial nudity. In a lot of places, indecent exposure still even carries a fine! Not that that gets enforced nowadays. We often hear that we shouldn’t look at porn and that it’s important for us to wear modest clothing in the Christian world. Why is that? Who determines what is modest for us to wear, and who gets to determine what nudity is? Does the Bible have a standard of modesty, or is modesty simply a standard set by the culture around us? Just writing that last sentence makes me cringe inside. Let’s start by looking at what qualifies as men's and women’s clothing. This may seem unrelated, and it is. What does the Bible say about what constitutes men's or women's clothing? Deu 22:5 "A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman's garment, for all who do so [are] an abomination to the LORD your God. That’s pretty much it. The determining factor of what...