
Showing posts from October, 2022

Creation, the Commandments, and the Tabernacle

  Last time, we began to see how the tabernacle God commissioned the Israelites to build in the wilderness formed a 3D model not only of God’s heavenly tabernacle, but also of His plan for mankind. We examined the altar, the laver, and peered inside the Holy Place, but have not yet examined anything within the Holy Place. Before we move on, I’d like to spend a little more time on the altar, the laver, and entering the Holy Place. You see, God used this tabernacle pattern at Creation, He used it in delivering the Israelites from slavery, and He used it in giving the ten commandments. As King David exclaimed, “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork” (Psa. 19:1). We’ll soon see another facet of God’s creation declaring His glory! Let’s get started. Light, Passover, the Altar, and “I am the LORD ” In Gen. 1, on the first day of Creation, we read, “Then God said, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good; and...

Why Is THAT in the Bible?!

  Did you know that the Bible mentions the words “tabernacle” or “temple” nearly 700 times? That doesn’t even include the 150+ times that “sanctuary” is mentioned, or the hundreds of times the altar, mercy seat, and other items within the tabernacle or temple are mentioned. One entire book, the Book of Leviticus, speaks mostly of the tabernacle and its ceremonies, as do large portions of Exodus, Numbers, Kings and Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Ezekiel, Hebrews, Revelation, and many more. In fact, some of these passages seem almost obsessive in describing the details and dimensions of the tabernacle and the temple. Why? Why does God’s Word tell us so much about the tabernacle and the temple? They have nothing to do with us today, right? Or do they? Remember, there’s no filler in God’s Word! Everything in there is there for a reason. And if God tells us about something over and over again, you can bet that it’s important! We’re told, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and i...

Dealing With the Aftermath

  As We wrap up the Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day, each of us heading back to our own lives, let us reflect on this past week. Did we truly come out of this world? Did we grow in the grace and knowledge of our savior and king? Do we feel closer to God now then at the beginning? Are we going back to our lives with renewed vigor? Was the majority of our time this past week spent on studying and discussing God’s word, rejoicing in Him and not just our own pleasures? And then of course, did we meet like-minded brethren who are a positive influence on us, who encourage us in our walk with God --- building and strengthening the brotherhood? These are all good questions to ask ourselves, criteria that would help us determine how beneficial this Feast of Tabernacles has been. Hopefully we can all answer yes to these questions, but if not, hopefully they can show us where we can improve to maximize the potential of these set apart times that God has given us. We know that we...

Satan's Little Friend: The "D" Word

  Foreward To Truth (Hopefully) Before we can talk about engagement, let alone marriage, we must look at the subject of divorce. Divorce is naturally a touchy subject, so if I step on anyone's toes with the following article, whether you feel what is written is too light or too harsh of an approach, this is, simply put, the understanding I have of these verses. If you have a different opinion, please feel free to respond with a scriptural reason why you disagree. With that being said, I realize, of course, that this can be and is a very emotional subject for some, and I will do my best to respect that, but you can't get to the truth of what the Bible has to say through emotion. Set Them Free Divorce is the legal action of nullifying a marriage union and is only a legal action. It doesn't tap into the spiritual aspect of marriage in the slightest. When we speak of divorce, it is an invention of man, and it is not something that God created or ever intended for us. When we ge...